📄️ About
What is KubePY?
📄️ Install
Currently KubePY is not avalible on Pypi but you can manually install it from my Github. Find the kubepy.py file and download that then put it into your projects directory.
📄️ Custom Recipes
To create a custom recipe please refer to the example below. As always PLEASE refer to the KubeJS wiki for more information about recipes, not all things will work with KubePY and vice versa
📄️ Custom Items
To create a custom item please refer to the example below. As always PLEASE refer to the KubeJS wiki for more information about recipes, not all things will work with KubePY and vice versa
📄️ Custom Blocks
To create a custom block please refer to the example below. Blocks are very similar to items as how they are created. As always PLEASE refer to the KubeJS wiki for more information about recipes, not all things will work with KubePY and vice versa