Creating Custom Recipes
To create a custom recipe please refer to the example below. As always PLEASE refer to the KubeJS wiki for more information about recipes, not all things will work with KubePY and vice versa
import kubepy # import the KubePY module
instance_path = r"D:\Minecraft\instances\1.20.1(2)\.minecraft" # set your .minecraft instance path so the scripts can be placed directly into them
recipes = kubepy.Recipes(instance_path=instance_path) # create an instance of the recipes class
recipes.shapeless('minecraft:diamond', 'minecraft:iron_block') # create a shapeless recipe, output, input
recipes.shaped('minecraft:stone',[ # create a shaped recipe
'A B',
' C ', # define the layout for the recipe
'B A'
'A': 'minecraft:andesite',
'B': 'minecraft:diorite', # create the key for the recipe
'C': 'minecraft:granite'
recipes.smelting('minecraft:coal', 'minecraft:diamond') # create a smelting recipe, output, input
recipes.campfireCooking('minecraft:torch', 'minecraft:stick') # create a campfire cooking recipe, output, input
recipes.blasting('minecraft:coal_block', 'minecraft:diamond') # create a blasting recipe, output, input
recipes.smithing('minecraft:gold_block', 'minecraft:gold_ingot', 'minecraft:iron_block') # create a smelting recipe, output, input, upgrade item
recipes.custom({ # create a custom Json recipem useful for modded recipes, addon support will be implemented later
"type": "tconstruct:entity_melting",
"entity": {
"types": [
"result": {
"fluid": "tconstruct:molten_iron",
"amount": 25
"damage": 2
recipes.remove({'id': 'minecraft:glowstone'}) # remove the recipe with the id 'minecraft:glowstone'
recipes.compile('recipes_kpy', '1.20.1') # and finally compile the recipes to KubeJS code defining the script name and the Minecraft version you are using```