Creating Custom Blocks
To create a custom block please refer to the example below. Blocks are very similar to items as how they are created. As always PLEASE refer to the KubeJS wiki for more information about recipes, not all things will work with KubePY and vice versa
import kubepy # import the KubePY module
instance_path = r"D:\Minecraft\instances\1.20.1(2)\.minecraft" # set your .minecraft instance path so the scripts can be placed directly into them
blocks = kubepy.BlockRegistry(instance_path=instance_path) # create an instance of the BlockRegistry class
blocks.create('test_block').textureAll('minecraft:block/oak_log') # create a block called Test Block with all sides textured as a minecraft:oak_log
blocks.create('test_2').texture('up', 'minecraft:block/white_wool').waterlogged().transparent(True) # create a block called Test 2 with the top texture as a minecraft:white_wool. The block can also be waterlogged and is transparent so it acts as glass
blocks.compile('blocks_kpy', '1.20.1') # and finally compile the recipes to KubeJS code defining the script name and the Minecraft version you are using```